I met Nina Leopold Bradley—Aldo Leopold's oldest daughter—when I was invited up to "the shack" in Baraboo, Wisconsin after writing an article about Leopold's classic, A Sand County Almanac. Nina died a few years ago, but what a highlight to have had her as a friend. As spring begins to unfold, take a moment and pay attention...
In 2015, a father/son team from Australia surprised everyone—especially themselves— by raising tens of millions of dollars on Indiegogo to mass produce a new kind of bee hive that makes it easier to harvest honey. It's now available on Amazon. They just finished up the campaign for Flow Hive 2, this time raising nearly $15 million. Now, all we need to do is make sure bees don't go extinct...
With nearly one million campaigns and over a billion dollars raised so far, crowdfunding platform Indiegogo has helped change the game for entrepreneurs. It's not just for small independents any more, either. Big companies routinely use the platform to test the market for new products. (via 3billionseconds.com)
I can't post about Studs without thinking about Mickey. What a wonderful photographer! what a great friend! See a portfolio of his work here.
The courage, passion and determination of 800 people on the overnight train ride from Chicago to DC in 1963 is as inspiring as it is humbling. How far we have come. How much further we need to go...
"Studs you are an agitator!" Yes, indeed. One of the greats. (circa 2006)
The Ray is an 18-mile stretch of Georgia highway that serves as a lab for the highway of the future. Named after Ray Anderson, who basically invented the concept of the circular economy with his Interface carpet tiles.
The Ray is a revelation (website) Literally brilliant. A group of artists and scientists in Ohio have figured out how to take the acid waste from coal mines that pollutes streams and kills watersheds and convert the toxins into pigment for paints. The detoxified water can be returned to the stream. Although the best answer is to reduce mine waste by shutting down the coal mine (renewables, efficiency...), this certainly makes the best of a bad situation. Currently on Kickstarter.
So clever! Some moms in Ohio created an app for sharing babysitting services. Neighborhood moms (dads, too?) already who know each other are grouped in "villages." They trade babysitting services for points that can be used for...babysitting services! They're just getting started, but there's some serious investor interest. Go Komae!
This looks so cool: small edition newsprint publications at a reasonable cost. I can see this in my future... Newspaper Club
The story of a fourth generation Georgia farmer who switched to regenerative agriculture, which not only restored the land, but is also helping to rebuild a small town's economy.
A Creative Brief: How Designers & Branding Experts Can Help Save Us All (Really, Truly) Efficiency gains over the last few decades helped prevent at least 200 ppm of atmospheric carbon. If you want to "keep it in the ground," divestment and renewables aren't enough. Not only is efficiency essential, it's cool.
mostly about energy, the environment, design, science, journalism, technology, art, education and many other good ideas
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March 2021